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中山市导游词(精选4篇) 第一篇

  Sun Wenxi road was called Yingen street in ancient times. After the deathof Dr. Sun Yat sen in 1925, it was renamed sun Wenlu in memory of Dr. Sun YatSen. From the Sui and Tang Dynasties to 1925, it gradually expanded and formedtoday's pattern. On both sides of the road are historical architectural objectsthat have experienced decades, hundreds or even hundreds of years, and stillretain the artistic color of ancient architecture. From the period of theRepublic of China, it began to accept the western architectural modeling, andintegrated the western classical architectural modeling. Up to now, there arestill exquisite wood carving, gray plastic and other Chinese and Westernarchitectural objects, curved natural commercial street, comfortable andpleasant external space scale, Nanyang style arcade, organic combination ofexternal space and function of the whole block, all of which record theformation and development stages of Shiqi city Duan embodies the hometownfeelings of more than 600000 overseas Chinese in Zhongshan City, which is notonly of historical and cultural value, but also of Memorial and patrioticeducation significance.

  Due to the weathering of the house for a long time, serious peeling off ofthe wall facade, corrosion of the fir floor, cracks on the column head and otherconstruction quality problems, Nanyang arcade lost its original style, and wasnot in harmony with the current urban architectural form and style. In order toprotect this historic building complex and rebuild the long and prosperousappearance of sunwenxi Road, Zhongshan municipal government started theconstruction and reconstruction of sunwenxi road in two phases on August 20,1997, and completed it on September 19, 1998. It took more than a year to changethe name of sunwenxi road to sunwenxi Road cultural tourism pedestrianstreet.

  After renovation, the cultural tourism pedestrian street on Sunwen WestRoad reappears its charming charm and glows with vitality. The streets are fullof flowers. The gray buildings in the past are covered with pink and beigeBenches are added on both sides of the street for visitors to rest. In the past,the low-grade shops also take on a new look, bringing people a bright point ofview. The old and new cultures are perfectly connected here, and the traditionaland modern cultures are organically integrated. This compatible fusion makes thecentury old street elegant with a charming cultural atmosphere, becoming awindow for the construction of spiritual civilization in Zhongshan City,providing visitors with a unique style of tourism scene, and also serving as thefoundation To provide a set of leisure, shopping, entertainment as one of thegood places, give people a prosperous scene.

中山市导游词(精选4篇) 第二篇

  Located in Cuiheng village, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, thememorial hall of Sun Yat Sen's former residence is a memorial museum with SunYat Sen's former residence as the main body. It was established in November1956. The main body of the memorial hall includes the exhibition of Sun YatSen's former residence, Sun Yat Sen's life story and Cuiheng residence. Themuseum is administrated by Zhongshan Culture, radio, television, press andPublication Bureau. In May 20__, it was announced as one of the first batch ofnational first-class museums by the State Administration of cultural relics.

  Sun Yat Sen's former residence is the only national key cultural relicsprotection unit in Zhongshan City. It is located in Cuiheng village, NanlangTown, from northeast to southwest. It covers an area of 500 square meters and aconstruction area of 340 square meters. It was built by Sun Yat Sen's eldestbrother sun Mei in 1892 by remitting money from Honolulu.

  Sun Yat Sen's former residence is a two-story building with brick and woodstructure and a combination of Chinese and western, with a wall around thecourtyard. On the south side of the main gate of the wall is a stone plaque of"former residence of Sun Yat Sen, a national key cultural relic protectionunit". On the south side of the main entrance of the former residence is awooden plaque of "former residence of Sun Yat Sen" written by Soong Ching Ling.The appearance of Sun Yat Sen's former residence imitates western architecture.There are seven ochre decorated arches on the upper floor of the building. Thecenter of the eaves is decorated with a gray carving with a halo, and a flyingeagle with a money ring is carved under the halo. The interior design of thebuilding adopts the traditional Chinese architectural form, with the main hallin the middle and two ear rooms on the left and right. The four brick walls arebrick gray with white lines drawn out, and the windows are opposite under themain beam. The building has many doors, windows and passages. Inside the HOS,there are doors leading to the outside of the street. You can turn left andright to return to the original starting point. There is a couplet on the frontdoor: "one rafter gets the place, five GUIs live in peace." It was written bySun Yat Sen himself after the completion of the building. There is a well on theright side of the courtyard. Around the well (about 32 square meters) is the oldhouse where Sun Yat Sen was born. Sun Yat Sen was born here on November 12,1866.

  The main hall of his former residence was decorated by Sun Yat Sen himself.In 1883, he came back from Honolulu with two kerosene lamps and placed them onthe platform. The back seat is the bedroom of Sun Yat Sen's mother, and thesouth side of the main hall is the bedroom of Sun Yat Sen's elder brother sunMei and his wife tan. The North ear room is the bedroom of Sun Yat Sen and hiswife Lu Muzhen. The wooden bed, dressing table and stool used in those years arestill placed. Sun Yat Sen lived here from 1892 to 1895 and 1912. On the southside of the second floor is Sun Yat Sen's study. On the wall are photos of SunYat Sen when he was 17 years old. There are desks, benches and iron beds thatSun Yat Sen used everyday in the room. In the winter of 1893, Dr. Sun Yat Senstudied ancient and modern books in this study to explore the truth of savingthe country and the people. He also drafted "the book of Li Hongzhang" here,proposing that "people can do their best, the land can do their best, things cando their best, and goods can flow freely". In 1895, he and Lu Haodong discussedthe strategy of saving the nation in this study, and also treated the villagershere.

  In the south of the courtyard of his former residence, a sour seed tree wasplanted by Sun Yat Sen himself in 1883, which was brought back fromHonolulu.

  Around the former residence are the remains of Sun Yat Sen's youthactivities. When Sun Yat Sen was 7 to 12 years old, he used to gather firewoodwith his sister Miaoxi in jinbinglang mountain. The ancient well on the hillsidewas the well where he often carried water home. Sun Yat Sen also used to catchfish and swim in the Lanxi river at the foot of the mountain.

  The big banyan tree in front of the courtyard of his former residence isthe place where he often heard old man Feng guanshuang, who had participated inthe Taiping army, tell stories about the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom generals' antiQing Dynasty in his childhood.

  It is reported that the total investment of Sun Yat Sen's former residenceproject is about 13 billion yuan. Through the construction of Sun Yat Sen'sformer residence in the core scenic spot, it is planned to build a modern andhistorical international leisure and holiday tourism town, and create a national5A scenic spot in three to five years. The 1911 revolution memorial park coversan area of 19.8 mu, with a total investment of about 39.32 million yuan.

中山市导游词(精选4篇) 第三篇

  Qijiang Park is a theme park reconstructed from the former site of Yuezhongshipyard in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. It introduces some designconcepts of Western environmentalism, ecological restoration and urban renewal.It is a successful example of the protection and reuse of the old industrialsite. The park was completed in October 20__ and won the annual honorary designaward of the American Association of landscape architects, the 20__ ChinaArchitectural Art Award, the gold award of the 10th National Art Exhibition in20__ and the comprehensive Gold Award of Chinese modern excellent nationalarchitecture at the end of 20__. In 20__, with its unique design, Qijiang Parkwon the 20__ Uli Global Excellence Award from San Francisco.

  Some of the main landscapes, installations and buildings in Qijiang Parkinclude amber water tower, skeleton water tower, red memory, Zhongshan ArtMuseum, etc.

  Amber water tower is located on Rongshu island on the edge of Qijiangriver. It is made of a 50-60-year-old water tower covered with a glass shellwith a metal frame. The designer thinks that the water tower is like an ancientcentury insect solidified in amber, so it is named amber water tower. Theluminescent body on the top of the water tower will emit light at night afterreceiving the solar energy. The light water tower not only forms a scene ofQijiang river at night, but also plays the role of pilotage.

  Skeleton water tower is another water tower located in the middle of thepark. The original design is to peel off the cement of an old water tower andleave the remaining steel bars in the original place. The designer thinks thatit is just like that people in the world, whether men or women, high or low,will eventually belong to a pair of white bones. However, due to the safetyproblems of the original water tower structure, the original design could not besuccessfully dealt with, and finally it was made of steel according to theoriginal size.

  Red memory is a work of installation art. The installation is surrounded bya red open iron box with a pool of clear water. One entrance of the installationis facing the entrance of the park, and the two exits are facing the amber watertower and the skeleton water tower respectively. The idea of the designer comesfrom the experience of Yuezhong shipyard__ Ten years of the revolutionary era,and want to let the audience think of the strong red "revolution is not a dinnerparty" famous sentence.

  Zhongshan art museum is the main building of Qijiang Park. It is twostories high and covers an area of 2500 square meters. The shape design of themuseum also adopts industrial elements as the theme, which comes down in onecontinuous line with the park. The external wall column of the museum is made oflemon yellow cement column, and the I-steel frame with iron cyan color is put onit, and the large floor glass is interposed. The whole design is like a factoryworkshop.

中山市导游词(精选4篇) 第四篇

  Yixian Lake Park is located in the downtown commercial area of ShiqiDistrict, Zhongshan City. The park is adjacent to Hubin Road in the East andYandun mountain in the south. The predecessor of the park is a piece of farmlandand pond. In 1959, it was excavated by local cadres and masses in Zhongshanthrough voluntary labor, so it is also known as "artificial lake park". In 1988,the municipal government invested nearly 3 million yuan to adjust and transformthe park. In order to commemorate the great man Sun Yat Sen, the "artificiallake park" was renamed Yixian Lake Park.

  The formation of Yixian Lake Park has a development process. In the past,the juncture of farmland in Yuanfeng village and Dadun village used to be acadre farm. Anti rightist in 1959__ In China, county and town cadres engage insports at night and work during the day. The higher authorities expropriated 300mu of land from Yuanfeng, and the cadres dredged three or four meters insections according to the guidance of the construction workers. Due to manyoyster shells at the bottom, the speed of cutting hands and feet was slow, andthe staff of Shiqi factory and the staff of the county's units stationed in Qiqialso assigned tasks. After fighting, we finally dug 160 mu of lake, plantedtrees on the base, and built some small bridges and pavilions connecting thelake, which were called artificial lake, and belonged to the garden managementoffice. At that time, we sold pond fish according to 160 mu of water surfacearea. Zeng Yao was a fish master, and the artificial lake also operatedgoldfish, saplings, bonsai and flower cards, plaques, bouquets, and wreaths. Inthe 1970s, we added Lianyi restaurant. Although some tourists, but it iscold.

  In 1988, in memory of the great man Sun Yat Sen, the artificial lake wasrenamed yixianhu Park, with more scenic spots and improved facilities, and itbegan to have vitality, receiving nearly one million tourists every year.

  In the 1990s, there are more than 2 million local and foreign people inZhongshan. The number of people from abroad and visiting relatives and friendsin Zhongshan has increased greatly. In addition to the implementation ofweekends and long holidays, more importantly, the city's tourist attractionshave opened one after another and made a lot of advertisements. They are linkedwith tourist groups to seek survival and development and strive for a share. Incontrast, Yixian Lake Park is becoming more and more old, its charm has beengreatly reduced, and its scenery is no longer beautiful. In the 10th five yearplan, the municipal government is determined to invest a huge sum of money inanother "major operation" of the park, and the public are very supportive of it.It is believed that Yixian Lake Park will coordinate well with Sun Xi pedestrianstreet Zhongshan Park and scenic spots on both sides of Qijiang River in thenear future, and become a beautiful scenic spot in Zhongshan.

  1. 1 红树林导游词(通用22篇)
  2. 2 周庄导游词(通用26篇)
  3. 3 西栅导游词(通用6篇)
  4. 4 水泊梁山的导游词(精选7篇)
  5. 5 昆明的导游词(精选9篇)
  6. 6 梅园的导游词(精选5篇)
  7. 7 普达措导游词(精选7篇)
  8. 8 故宫英语导游词(通用3篇)
  9. 9 桃花源导游词(精选23篇)